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Buitenlandse boeken (191)

New - Alpine Flowers

geen plaatje   This pocket field guide to identifying 230 common Alpine flowers is packed with all the information you need to recognise your favourites while out in the mountains. Designed for the non-specialist, this little handbook is arranged by colour and also includes a glossary of flower parts and an introduction which describes the amazing lengths that these tiny gems go to to survive at altitude. Alpine expert author Gillian Price says: It never ceases to amaze me that such tiny plants can spend months on end buried under metres of snow and ice - weathering temperatures as low as minus 25°C - then sprout back to life when things thaw out and warm up. In springtime you can spot the fragile purple petals of the Alpine Snowbell pushing their way through snow - they contain an anti-freeze that enables them to melt it. Masters of adaptation and survival, alpine flowers can trap insects, store precious water, expel excess minerals and fool insects. Each flower entry includes a clear photograph and essential description along with its name in English, Latin, German, French and Italian and interesting information about the origins of some of the more curious flower names. Each one is also indexed by its English and its Latin name so you can follow up a hunch about a name or find out more about a flower.

A pocket field guidebook for identifying 230 of the most commonly found alpine flowers of the Alps. Categorised by colour for quick identification, each alpine flower has a photograph and description of its key features. Flower names are given in English, French, German, Italian and Latin, with notes on curious facts and origins of names.
Auteur: Price, Gillian Formaat 163 x 107 x 10 mm

Voorraad 2 ex

Prijs: 18,95