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Nieuwe boeken (172)

New - Gardener's Guide to Propagation Techniques

geen plaatje   Plant propagation is an economical, rewarding and sustainable way to increase your plant stock and develop your horticultural skills. A Gardener’s Guide to Propagation Techniques is a comprehensive, practical guide to the various methods of propagation suitable for a wide range of trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, bulbs and tender plants. Chapters cover seeds, cuttings, layering, division, grafting, bulbs and even micropropagation, as well as providing an extensive list of plants that are suitable for each method, rating them from easy to difficult. Lavishly illustrated with photographs by Serge Barker, Rob Jackson, Palmstead Nurseries, Andy Vernon and C.J. Waters, the book includes: step-by-step photographic guides to the different propagation techniques; advice on selecting the right plant material, at the right time; help with deciding on the best method for different plants; guidance on choosing the appropriate propagation environment and aftercare of the material, and finally an overview of pest and disease challenges.
Auteur: Nikki Barker

Voorraad 1 ex

Prijs: 24,95