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Buitenlandse boeken (194)

Around The World in 80 Plants

geen plaatje   An inspirational journey around the temperate world, introducing Stephen's top 80 perennial leafy green vegetables. The reader is introduced to stories of the wild foraging traditions of indigenous people in all continents. It is of interest to both traditional vegetable and even ornamental gardeners, as well as anyone interested in permaculture, forest gardening, foraging, slow-food, gourmet cooking and ethnobotany. “Stephen Barstow presents fascinating and useful information about his top 80 perennial leafy vegetables including lots of historical references, his and others’ recipe ideas, along with photos and more. Many of these are easily grown and can be ornamental as well as great edibles. This will be a really useful book helping extend the range of food plants for gardeners.” Martin Crawford
Auteur: Stephen Barstow

Voorraad 4 ex

Prijs: 29,90