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Edible cities

geen plaatje   This interesting book is packed full of Anni's favourite tasty edible perennials. With explanations of how to source and propagate different vegetables, which plants work well together and plants suited to different environments. It includes basic principles and getting started, growing in polycultures, site selection and much more."This is a valuable addition to the literature on growing perennial vegetables. The author’s experiences of creating and maintaining polycultures are a great guide and inspiration to this challenging aspect of edible perennial gardening." Martin Crawford, director of the Agroforestry Research Trust and author of Creating a Forest Garden and How To Grow Perennial Vegetables."I love Anni’s book. She’s taken traditionally ‘big space’ ideas and approaches and brought them alive on a domestic scale, where most gardeners operate. The bigger picture of redesigning our food system with perennials at its heart underlies, yet it never gets in the way of inspiring and enabling the reader with case studies, examples, advice and experience. A must-have for forward thinking gardeners." Mark Diacono, experimental gardener, journalist and author of A Year at Otter Farm.In these times of soaring food prices, growing food in cities is becoming the big urban trend. As demand far outstrips supply for allotments, Permaculture in Pots shows you how to get started with whatever space you have available appealing to those who feel powerless to meet their own subsistence needs through lack of growing space. A fully-illustrated guide to growing your own fruit, vegetables, herbs and even mushrooms in small spaces. Edible Cities shows readers the principles of permaculture, green roofs, ideas for flats and balconies, vertical gardening and urban beekeeping, guerrilla gardening, case studies from across the world and more. Preface and contributions from Sepp Holzer and illustrated practical techniques. Discover inside:• Principles of permaculture• Worldwide examples of urban gardening projects• Ideas for flats and balconies• Green roofs• Vertical gardening & urban beekeeping• Guerrilla gardening & successful community projects• Illustrated practical techniques with clear instructions• Preface and contributions by Sepp Holzer• Urban case studies from cities all over the world.
Auteur: Judith Anger Martin Schnyder

Voorraad 2 ex

Prijs: 21,50