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Buitenlandse boeken (194)

Alpines - An Essential Guide

geen plaatje   All the aspects of care and cultivation of a plant that offers fantastic versatility and color for nearly every month of the year

Alpines have been a favorite plant for generations of gardeners and are as popular now as ever, as today's gardens generally become smaller. Whether planted in troughs, window boxes, raised beds, or between paving, alpines have great potential, offering some of the world's most exquisite flowers. This essential guide for beginners and enthusiasts covers traditional and contemporary settings; ideas for incorporating alpine plants into a new or existing garden plot; geometric planting ideas; advice on planting and maintenance; information on propogation methods and facilities; and an A–Z reference of more than 180 of the best alpine plants, with a useful table of flowering times.
By Michael Mitchell

Voorraad 1 ex

Prijs: 25,85