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304 Nederlandse titels die volgens de administratie op voorraad zijn (klik op het plaatje voor info).

Buitenlandse boeken (194)

Glorious Shade

geen plaatje   Great plant lists and design tips--Glorious Shade is full of helpful advice from a true gardener. --David Culp, author of The Layered Garden For anyone planning a shade garden, this book is a must. It will inspire you to start digging. --Holly Shimizu, former executive director, U.S. Botanic Garden Jenny Rose Carey simplifies the complexities of shade. This beautifully illustrated book glorifies the picturesqueness of green, while giving practical advice on bringing color to dark areas. --Bill Thomas, executive director of Chanticleer, author of The Art of Gardening Approachable, well-illustrated, thorough guide to shade planting. . . . especially recommended for collections lacking shade-gardening titles. --Booklist An excellent reference for gardeners working with shaded areas who are looking for inspiration
by Jenny Rose Carey

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