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Buitenlandse boeken (194)

Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast

geen plaatje   Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast describes and illustrates 1,250 species commonly encountered in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Washington D.C., North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. This comprehensive guide includes perennials, annuals, and bulbs, both native and naturalized. The book is organized by flowers color and includes white, yellow, red, blue, orange, green, and brown flowers. Introductory information includes an explanation of the key plant parts and information on plant names. Species profiles include color photographs and range maps. Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast is for hikers, naturalists, gardeners, and anyone wishing to learn more about the region’s diverse flora.
Auteur: Laura Cotterman Damon Waitt
Co-auteur: Alan Weakley

voorraad 1 ex

Prijs: 27,45