Boeken Tuinwinkel Botanische Tuinen Utrecht

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304 Nederlandse titels die volgens de administratie op voorraad zijn (klik op het plaatje voor info).

Buitenlandse boeken (194)

Field Guide to Ethiopian Orchids

geen plaatje   Ethiopia's orchids are sparsely represented in herbaria and their biology, ecology and conservation status remains poorly understood. Written by leading orchid specialists, and with detailed descriptions, keys, line drawings, distribution maps and colour photographs, this new field guide will be an invaluable identification tool, providing urgently needed help in clarifying the status of these wonderfully diverse plants, many of which are rare or endangered.

Authors: Sebsebe Demissew, Phillip Cribb and Finn Rasmussen
300pp. 125 x 215 mm. Colour photos; line drawings; distribution maps. Paperback
Kew Publishing, 2004

Voorraad 2 ex

Prijs: 29,95