Boeken Tuinwinkel Botanische Tuinen Utrecht
Rubriek menu: Nieuwe boeken - Bomen - Diversen - Groenten en kruiden - Hobbyboeken - Insecten - Kinderboeken - Kookboeken - Natuur algemeen - Plantensoorten - Tuinontwerpen/onderhoud - Paddenstoelen - Vogels - Zoogdieren - Buitenlandse boeken
304 Nederlandse titels die volgens de administratie op voorraad zijn (klik op het plaatje voor info).
Buitenlandse boeken (194) | ||||
Champion Trees of Britain & Ireland | ||||
Introducing the finest examples of every kind of tree growing in the British Isles, from ancient yews and towering sequoias to the rarest of recent introductions. Over 5,000 trees are described. Includes a checklist of all native trees, an alphabetical list of all tree species by botanical name, and indexes of synonyms, common names and places.
What kinds of tree grow where, how long do they live, and how big do they become? This book answers all these questions and more, introducing the finest examples of every kind of tree growing in the British Isles, from ancient yews and towering sequoias to the rarest of recent introductions. It draws together thousands of statistics amassed over the last decade by hundreds of recorders that contribute information to the Tree Register - providing definitive information on trees in Britain in Ireland. Over 5,000 trees are described in this new book, 60% of which are newly discovered or re-recorded since the first publication of the Tree Register in 2003. Auteur: Owen Johnson Voorraad 2 ex Prijs: 31,85 |