Buitenlandse boeken (184) |
100 Japanese Gardens 17,95
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Trees & Shrubs of India 12,45
Air Plants: The Curious World of Tillandsias 26,95
Alpenblumen 19,90
Alpenpflanzen in ihren Lebensräum (Mertz) 34,90
Alpenpflanzen nach Farben bestimmen 12,90
Alpines - An Essential Guide 25,85
Aromatische bergkräuter 29,90
Around The World in 80 Plants 29,90
Around the World in 80 Trees 19,99
Backer's Dutch-English Taxonomic-Botanical Lexicon 5,00
Bibelpflanzen 24,10
Bildatlas der Blütenpflanzen 49,00
Blütengeheimnisse 38,60
Blütenküche 7,65
Botanical Brain Balms 26,20
Britain's Wild Harvest 13,75 euro
Bromeliaceae Belgique Horticole 10,00
Bromeliën 29,90
Cattleya 19,90
Champion Trees of Britain & Ireland 31,85
Christopher Lloyd's Gardening Year Journal 20,55
Cites and Timber 49,75
Claire Austin's Book Of Perennials New Edition 27,95
Creating a Forest Garden 34,95
Das grosse Buch der Steingartenpflanzen 40,95
Designing and Planting a Woodland Garden 33,50
Die 150 BESTEN Pflanzen für jede Gartenecke 23,95
Die Freiland-Schmuckstauden 189,90
Die Orchideen von Rhodos und Karpathos 61,50
Die wissenschaftlichen Namen der Pflanzen 11,95
Dream Plants for the Natural Garden 28,95
Edible cities 21,50
Edible Shrubs 26,95
Edible Trees 23,00
Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads (CD) 15,00
Endemic Plants of the Altai Mountain Country 37,95
Engelstrompeten - Brugmansia und Datura 12,90
Entangled life: how fungi make our worlds, change our minds and shape our futures 19,95
Exotisches Obst und Gemüse 9,90
Farbatlas Pflanzen der Karibik und Mittelamerikas 9,75
Farbatlas exotische Früchte 31,50
Field Guide to Ethiopian Orchids 29,95
Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of the Algarve 49,75
Field Guides Field Guide to Fynbos 28,95
Flora Helvetica 148,00 - 2 delig
Flora Japonica 30,35
Flowering Plants 20,50
Forest Gardening in Practice 32,20
Formgehölze Schneiden 9.90-40%
Fotobuch Gartengestaltung 28,50
Free-range chicken gardens 19,95
Gardening in Summer-Dry Climates 32,95
Gardening With Drought-Friendly Plants - Hall Tony Hall 31,10
Gardenlust: A Botanical Tour of the World’s Best New Gardens 40,20
Garten am hang 39.90-40%
Gartengestaltung mit Stauden 48,50
Gebirgsnadelwälder 48,00
Gehölze von A bis Z 29,90
Gertrude Jekyll At Munstead Wood 33,60
Glorious Shade 23,30
Gossler guide to the best hardy shrubs, the 37,90
Green Roofs 14,95
Growing Beans 14,95
Growing Hardy Orchids 15,20
Growing Orchids at Home 11,95
Hamamelis, Und andere Zaubernußgewächse 39.90
Handbuch der Staudenverwendung 56,90
Herterton House And a New Country Garden 35,25
Home-Grown Mushrooms from Scratch 28,95
Hot plants for cool climates 25,20
How to Grow a School Garden, A Complete Guide for Parents and Teachers 28,30
Hydrangeas 39,60
Hypertufa Containers: Creating and Planting an Alpine Trough Garden 29,95
Im Gebirge, Natur erleben - beobachten - verstehen 9,90
In the Footsteps of Joseph Dalton Hooker: A Sikkim adventure 49,30
Italienische Gärten 39,90 - 40% = 23,10
Kamelien im Garten van 9,50 voor 5,75
Karl Foerster - Seine Blumen, seine Gärten 34,90
Keeping Bees in Towns and Cities 18,90
Kirschen- und Zwetschenanbau 28,50
Kitchen Garden Estate 24,75
Landscapes of Change 26,80
Led by the Land - Landscapes by Kim Wilkie 41,90
Lewis and Clark Columbia River Water Trail 22,60
Lianas of the Guianas 89,50
Life on Earth 19,95
Marianne North - Very Intrepid Painter: revised edition 22,95
Mohn und Scheinmohn 46.95-40%
Mountain Flower Walks – The Eastern Alps including The Dolomites 22,15
Mountain Flower Walks – The Greek Mainland 28,95
Naturführer Alpenpflanzen 18,95
Naturführer Tropenpflanzen 32,95
Neu - Alpenpflanzen einfach bestimmen 29,90
Neu - Beth Chattos Kiesgarten 42,00
Neu - Der Steingarten der sieben Jahreszeiten 49,95
Neu - Fleischfressende Pflanzen 17,95
Neu - Pflanzen Design 40,95
New - 365 Days of Colour In Your Garden 34,95
New - A Food Forest in Your Garden 28,95
New - Alpine Flowers 18,95
New - Alpines The Complete Gardener’s Guide 49,95
New - Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden 28,95
New - Beth Chatto's Green Tapestry Revisited 40,75
New - Brilliant & Wild 27,15
New - Common Sense Natural Beekeeping 22,15
New - Essential Green Roof Construction 39,95
New - Fearless Gardening 27,95
New - Forager’s Garden: Grow an Edible Sanctuary in Your Own Backyard 14,95
New - Great Dixter - Then & Now 19,95
New - Groundcover Revolution 27,95
New - Grow Small Gardens 14,95
New - Growing Conifers 44,95
New - Guide to the Flowers of Western China Second edition 99,00
New - Iwígara 34,95
New - Kew, theTemperate House at the Royal Botanic Gardens 6,95
New - Making Water & Rock Gardens 13,95
New - Orchid modern 22,75
New - Shrubs by Andy McIndoe 34,95
New - The Complete Guide to Compact Trees and Shrubs 42,50 - waterschade
New - The Complete Guide to No-Dig Gardening 22,15
New - The Dry Garden 14,95
New - The generous gardener 40,75
New - Vertical Gardening 22,95
New - What Gardeners Grow 34,95
New - Wild Nature Press Field Guide to Coastal Wildflowers of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe 28,95
New Naturalism 25,70
Orobanche 36,50
Pelagic Identification Guides A Field Guide to the Flowers of the Alps 28,95
Pflanzenleben der Schweiz / Swiss Plant Life 6,90
Plant This Instead! 26,75
Robert Fortune: A Plant Hunter in the Orient 54,90
Roy Lancaster: My Life with Plants 34,95
Sarah Raven's Wild Flowers 34,95
Scent Magic 35,90
Schau- und Sichtungsgarten Hermannshof 18,95
Schmetterlinge der Alpen. Der Bestimmungsführer für alle Arten 32,90
Setting of the scene 67,00
Silver Saxifrages 12,95
Small Home Gardens 44,45
Sowing Beauty 30,40
Spalierobst 28,90
Spring Wildflowers of the Northeast 34,95
Staudenmischpflanzungen 33,95
Steingärten-Hans-Martin Schmidt 12,99
Sukkulenten 69,90-40%
Summer Wildflowers of the Northeast 34,95
The Art of Gardening 33,50
the Butterflies & Dragonflies of Sri Lanka - A Naturalist's Guide to 15,30
The Crevice Garden and its Plants - Revised edition 13,25
The Damp Garden 16,95
The Elegant and Edible Garden 31,95
The Genus Cymbidium 87,60
The genus Epimedium 56,70
The genus Lavandula 57,75
The Genus Meconopsis: Blue Poppies and their Relatives 85,60
The genus Roscoea 68,30
The Immortal Yew 30,20
The Medicinal Forest Garden Handbook by Anne Stobart 34,95
The Minimalist Gardener 19,95
The Modern Cottage Garden 27,95
The Orchard Book 19,95
The Plant Lover's Guide to Ferns 28,95
The Plant Lover's Guide to Snowdrops 21,55
The Pollinator Victory Garden 27,95
The rainforest book 10,50
The Spice and Herb Bible 34,95
Timber Trees of Suriname 49,50
Topiary, Knots and Parterres 58,70
Trees of Southeast Asia - A Naturalist's Guide to the 15,30
Tropische Nutzpflanzen 29,90-40%
Tröge und Container 7,95
Ultimate Flower Gardener's Guide 32,95
Uncommon Fruits for Every Garden 16,50
Waldgräser 39,90
Water-Smart Gardening by Diana Maranhao 23,50
Waterwise plants for sustainable gardens 21,60
Weird Plants 26,95
Wild flowers of Crete 22,95
Wild flowers of Greece 24,40
Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean 24,95
Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast 27,45
Winter flowering shrubs 31,00
Woodland Gardening 26,95