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About FloraPix Gallery

The Utrecht University Botanic Gardens are hosting several plant enthusiast group discussion lists, like Alpine-L, Aeonium-L, Arisaema-L, Bromeliads-L, Bulbs-L, Passiflora-L, Penstemon-L and Trillium-L at Surfnet. The lists are managed by Eric Gouda (curator at the garden) but most of those lists has more than one list owners to manage the list.
For each group there is a home page as well as a Gallery, that presents itself as the Gallery of that group, but in fact it is part of an open Gallery to which anybody can add pictures. The two Galleries (Temperate and Tropical) presented here includes pictures of plants by Botanic Garden Staff only.
There is a Tropical Plant version and a Temperate one and at the moment those are kept separately but have the same functionality. It started as an SPGM Gallery to which upload functionality and maintenance tools (for the list owners) were added, but current renewed version has been developed fully for FloraPix and has more forum like functionality, like identification and discussion possibilities.

Updated: 20090907, 10730 times viewed

FloraPix Gallery

About FloraPix Gallery
Open Tropical
Open Temperate
